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MindScope for the C-SUITE

 MindScope for the C-SUITE

Gitika Gorthi, Chantilly High School

Many individuals start the morning off with a full tank of energy, which slowly drains the whole day, leaving many at low battery at the end of the day. According to the Harvard Business Review, CEO’s around the world are averaged to work 62.5 hours a week, whereas the regular employee works around 34.6 hours -- almost twice the difference. From talking with business leaders one Teams call to the next, those in the C-Suit are on their screens almost their entire day leading to heavy mental strain -- especially with the COVID-19 pandemic which made almost everything virtual. Each meeting is a new opportunity for business development and a space for innovation to foster; however, if C-Suite members are not in their best state of mind it is difficult for the most efficient use of their time.

Many of you reading are probably thinking to yourself: yeah I agree, but what can I do? If you are ready to take action in order to make sure your mind is functioning at its maximum quality, I present to you MindScope.

MindScope is a quantitative neuroscience research based novel piece of technology that aims to directly interact with certain important cognitive layers of human minds and enhance primarily three untapped dimensions of our minds. MindScope will enhance one’s cognition, which in turn will help many stay attentive, keep curious, and comprehend all resolutions of spatial information.

Figure 1: Image of 3 main cognitive layers in the human mind.

Now that you have a basic understanding of MindScope’s functionality, let’s get into more depth on what MindScope can do to help you. MindScope is a digital tool that will pull up a timed mind puzzle --such as asking a user to identify an object in a large picture-- based on the user’s level after every meeting. By doing so, the user is forced to clear their slate of thoughts before entering the next meeting, which will increase the next meeting's productivity. To put this into perspective, imagine getting the results of your bad test score in your first period class. For the rest of the day, you are most probably going to be stuck in your thoughts about the first period class and how to improve your next test score, while forgetting about the rest of the classes you have in the day. Similarly, if one trails their thoughts of the prior meeting to the next, it will decrease efficiency and most probably be fruitless. Hence, MindScope can help individuals be in their top-notch shape. Whether it be at the end of a zoom call or a recaptcha generator, MindScope will help long working hour C-Suite individuals stay on top of their game.

On the contrary, some may argue that they still are getting their work done and MindScope would not prove beneficial for their needs. This statement, however, is not scientifically supported. One may claim they worked very productively as they had a eight-hour work day, but studies have proven that in an eight-hour day, employees only have two hours and fifty-three minutes of productivity -- a bit higher for those in the C-Suite (Inc., 2019). The rest of the working hours were essentially filled with your mind being fatigued due to the lack of psychological detachment from work. To avoid overworking your mind, MindScope has the perfect tools to give you the necessary short breaks in your busy schedule to maximize productivity in your working hours. 

Our brain is like a computer, it transmits information almost instantaneously, but if too much is inputted, it takes a few seconds or a minute to process. Same with our brain. Our brain takes time to process long, draining meetings, and MindScope will provide a moment of breath for our mind to catch-up before the next meeting begins again. MindScope should become a daily routine and a part of one’s life for long-term multiplying returns.

MindScope technology will help us answer questions on the human cognition system while allowing us to discover our own mental dimensions through fun puzzles that are familiar to many of us through our childhood.

Most definitely one can take a short walk or step away from their screens to re-activate their focus; however, for those in the C-Suite where time truly is money, MindScope will be an investment well worth it.

Learn more about MindScope at


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